Statistics in Real-time! Free!
(Only during PUBLIC PREVIEW period, or no more than 100K data items per month)

Real-time statistics for big data

Receive events, aggregate numbers, and respond to queries, all in real time

Nowadays data is being generated and collected at the speed that we haven't even imagined before. But we as human can only consume them at a very low speed. That's why we always demand the data to be aggregated, summarized, and visualized.

Traditional technologies have been providing us the capability to query aggregated numbers for decades, but with delays in terms of both data immediacy and query response time when the dataset size is large. They were not created for big data after all.

We are providing something new. It is able to ingest massive number of data records coming in real-time. Query results are returned typically within 1 second disregarding the size of the original dataset. As to immediacy, the delay is within 1 second.

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  • Low delay
  • Quick response
  • Scalable
  • Easy to integrate